Friday, 10 August 2012

Endocrinology clinic

Endrocrinology is a branch of medicine concerned with the study of the biosynthesis, storage, chemistry, and physiological function of hormones and with the cells of the endocrine glands and tissues that secrete them. The medical specialty of endocrinology involves the diagnostic evaluation of a wide variety of symptoms and variations and the long-term management of disorder of deficiency or excess of one or more hormones. The diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases are guided by laboratory tests to a greater extent for most specialties.

Endrocrinology involves caring for the person as well as the disease. Most endocrine disorder are chronic  diseases that need life-long care. Some of the most common endocrine diseases includes diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and the metabolic syndrome. Care of diabetes, obesity and other chronic diseases necessitates understanding the patient at the personal and social level as well as the molecular, and the physician-patient relationship can be an important therapeutic process.