Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Master health check up

Spine Surgery in India helps patient in their back pains related treatments by packaging their medical trip to India and it also offers a full complement of surgical as well as physiotherapy  services exclusively to International Patients combined with their post  - discharge recuperative holidays.

Back problems are one of the most common reasons to see a doctor. Approximately 80% of people will experience back pain during their lifetime. Fortunately, for the vast majority of these people the pain will subside naturally without the need for surgery.
This site sets out to inform you about:
  • The nature of your spinal disorder, (stenosis, slipped disc, disc protrusion, disc inflammation)
  • The available minimal invasive spinal surgery techniques of treating your back pain or neck pain and their radiating symptoms and their indications, outcomes, complications. (See specific pages).
  • The conventional methods of treating your back pain or neck pain and their radiating symptoms (Microdiscectomy, Decompression, Fusion, Total Disc replacement and their indications, outcomes, complications). (See specific pages in this informative website).
  • FAQ's - frequently asked questions

Spine surgery—whether back or neck surgery—is an advanced treatment option for pain and disability caused by an identifiable lesion in the patient’s anatomy that has not adequately improved with non-surgical treatments. Although spinal arthritis tends to be chronic, the symptoms are rarely progressive and rarely require surgery on the painful spinal joints. However, surgery may be needed in severe cases, and may include a spine fusion, decompression and/or laminectomy.

The latest techniques like Minimally invasive spine surgery, Expandable devices for Lumbar Spine Fusion are routinely carried out with results at par with the best centers globally.